The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Mission is dedicated to enforcing the controlled substances laws and regulations of the United States. While this includes investigating criminals and drug distribution organizations that traffic in illegal drugs, DEA’s mission also includes other important activities such as regulating the manufacture and distribution of controlled pharmaceutical drugs, analyzing evidence and providing science-based research, and support for drug demand reduction and prevention programs.

The DEA uses CIVIL FORFEITURE laws to “attack the financial structure of drug trafficking and money laundering groups worldwide, from the lowly courier carrying cash or drugs to the top levels of drug cartels. Forfeiture, particularly civil forfeiture, is very effective against drug crimes committed for profit.” However, there is evidence of overreach into lawful activities and ownership of assets that often goes unchallenged by the people who are afraid and feel the Government is right when they are often times overly aggressive and lack the evidence to maintain the civil action against property which is NOT a criminal proceeding against the property asset owners.

Their aggressive implementation of the Civil Asset Forfeiture system has increased significantly since implemented.

DEA Currently is responsible for more than half of dollars  impounded. Beating out all US Agencies combined. Many owners of seized assets are unknowing spouses or citizens making legitimate purchases with funds that can be legally explained. Most citizens are don’t know their rights and the Civil Asset Seizure and Forfeiture go unchallenged. We are dedicated to educating the public.

Below is a list of the forfeitures currently actively listed on the DEA Publications.